Learn how eliminating time-consuming daily tasks with Salesforce can help dealership employees focus on building better customer relationships.
Employees only have so many hours in the day. They can either spend that time fighting with manual processes and repetitive tasks, or they can focus on building relationships with customers and growing the business. This is especially true in automotive dealerships, where that personalized experience is more important than ever, and time-consuming, repetitive tasks cause major frustration for employees and customers alike. How can dealers free up that precious employee time, so they can focus on what matters?
In this episode of Transformation @ Work, our experts uncover how Salesforce Automotive Cloud can automate and streamline processes and workflows, setting up dealership employees for success.
Key Highlights
03:15: Benchmarks and habits of truly enabled employees, and how those employees add value back to the dealership
04:38: Why workarounds and manual solutions are a red flag when it comes to employee enablement
06:51: How Salesforce Automotive Cloud can automate daily tasks and help dealership employees reclaim their daily capacity
08:03: The importance of bringing employees onboard and soliciting feedback during every step of the Salesforce implementation
11:11: Setting benchmarks for success: key metrics and goals for managers to watch for during implementation
13:24: What dealerships can achieve by enabling employee success with process and workflow automation